Monday 5 March 2012

Introducing... Me!

Hello, dearest reader. This is quite obviously my first blog post, with it just being created and all. So I would like to take the time to introduce myself and tell you what I want to write about every day or so.

My name is Susan and, thankfully, it was a female name given to a female. I was born and raised in sunny South Africa and I’m now inching ever closer to being thirty years of age. But there’s a reason I am here and writing to the world. That reason is my being pregnant! 

I've been in this delicate state for a little more than six months now. I want to share this joyous occasion with you, dear reader. But why stop there? I'll share the years that come afterwards, too.

I would have started this blog a few months ago but, alas, I suffer from something that most aspiring writers suffer from. Good ol’ fashioned procrastination. Oh, that’s my other reason for writing these letters to the world: To become a committed and diligent writer. Let’s see if I can overcome procrastination, the fear of failure and just plain laziness to be able to update every day or two, shall we?

As you can see, this blog is called "Baby Bumped and Kicked". I have a lovely big baby bump and I keep expanding every day as the tiny one grows. And does he kick! At times it feels like he's attacking a whole army in there.

Other fun facts about me: I think I’m quite friendly, and yet I can’t seem to maintain friendships. (More on that in another post.) 
I’m also quite paranoid, yet slightly naïve when it comes to people I trust. I come from a creative family, so I do attempt a drawing or other art projects every once in a while. 
My head sometimes takes up residence in the clouds, when I should really be paying attention to the people around me. And I really enjoy switching off my brain with a little bit of movie watching.

I’m also a very happily married woman. Honestly, I can’t imagine life without Steven. I had no idea men like him existed, so I’m quite thankful to have met him and for the way things have worked out. How we’ve met is actually a really fun story, so I’ll most probably write about that one day.

And with that word “thankful” in the previous paragraph, I want to start a way to end every blog post of mine. I want to name at least one thing I can be thankful about. I believe that looking at the bright side of everything will make one into a positive person. And positive people tend to be happier, healthier and gain immortality. Well, maybe not immortality, but they do seem to be better off with the time they’ve got on this planet.

Of course, if you’re one for being grumpy and not too fond of happy people, you will have the option to skip the Thankful insert as it should be at the bottom of the posts. To each his (or her) own, so it’s all good no matter what you choose to read.

And so ends my first post. Please leave a comment, I would love to hear from you!


  1. Woohoo, you finally started a blog! Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things with my blog, too. My comments are these: I already know how you and Steven met, but it's a great story and I look forward to you telling it; I love your Thankful insert idea; and I would like to request a cute picture of said baby bump. :)

    1. I'm looking forward to when you can update your blog again, you do very interesting things. :D
      I'm happy you like the Thankful idea. And I'll try to put up a picture sometime, I'm still trying to figure out how to navigate this site, lol.
