Wednesday 28 March 2012

Dream A Little Bigger, Darling

I'm telling you, there's something wrong with me. I try to stay strong every time, but I fail and tears stream down my face. I am, of course, talking about my weeping whenever I watch the last two minutes of Inception. I bawl like a little baby. Steven doesn't say a word, but he always gets that grin on his face which tells me that he loves me through all my strangeness. 

Yep, that was our movie last night. I thoroughly enjoy it every time. It's exactly my cup of dried leaves brewed in hot water. Mostly because I am highly interested in dreams and, more importantly, lucid dreams. You know, those dreams where you "wake up" and realise that it's all just a dream. Most people, when faced with the realisation that they are dreaming and can do whatever they want to, do just that. But during my few lucid dreams, I've come to the conclusion that my subconscious hates me and wants me to fail. Whenever I try to change a dream to my liking, it ends and I wake up. So, instead of trying to change things, I decided to observe the dream. And so I did on a few occasions, and I learnt a few things.

You know how you can only vaguely remember a dream when trying to remember it? One might come to the conclusion that dreams are all hazy as a result of that. Not so! Dreams are incredibly vivid. In fact, you never realise something's off because it never looks off. In one lucid dream, I found myself in one of those underground parking garages that some buildings have. There were a lot of cars and the area was lit up by fluorescent lights. So I said to myself "Pay attention." and I listened to myself for once. I kid you not, those cars reflected the lights as it would in the real world. Everything in dreams are as they would be in real life, and it's quite spooky. In other dreams, I paid close attention to my other senses to see if they would also say that dreams act just like reality and all five senses were happy with what they found. A piece of chocolate cake tastes like real cake, a can of green apple flavoured deodorant smelled exactly like green apples would smell. I was once in a humongous field and felt a most pleasant breeze blowing all around me. Not to mention voices and all other sounds are like the real thing. The next time you have a lucid dream, try it for yourself. Commit to memory how your senses react to everything your mind creates. I'm positive you won't be disappointed with what you find.

Now that I've rambled due to tiredness, I can say about our Anniversary! 

It's been three awesome years that Steven and I celebrated today. The usual sunny SA is quite cool and cloudy. And here's what happened at the restaurant where we had our coffee...

Our waitress looked like she would much rather fall into a snake pit than serve us. But I keep smiling as friendly as I can. (I see more and more that it doesn't help. But anyways.) We ordered our coffee and dessert and she brought it. And then she brought the bill right after. As she walked away, I raised my eyebrow at Steven and asked "Did we ask for the bill?". He answered in the negative and I was quite happy that I wasn't losing my memory very rapidly. It was too bad for her, as I might have wanted another coffee. But she made up my mind for me. After a while, she came back to our table. "Do you want to order anything else?" I said no thanks to which she replied "Because I want to go on my lunchbreak now." I just smiled friendlier and said that we're all peachy. 

I understand her wanting to take a break, perhaps she had a really tough morning, but at the same time I could see that she was being unprofessional. I used to treat all my customers with the same level of respect and friendliness, no matter how awful my day was. And trust me, some days were downright disturbingly awful. At any rate, before I ramble on, I'll go on with the actual story. I told Steven what was said as it was all in Afrikaans. He just sat back drank the rest of his coffee in his own time. I usually tip a little more than 10% as I know how awesome it is to get that little extra for all the hard work you do. But this lady didn't deserve her ten percent or whatever percentage more I usually choose to give so she got considerably less. 

In the end, I'm not complaining, even if it seems like it. I was hoping for a great time out with Steven, and through all that, I did enjoy being with him. And in the end, that's all that matters.

For coffee. Sometimes it can be quite bland and sometimes the smell is better than the actual taste. But all in all, quite an awesome little bean.

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