Tuesday 13 March 2012

Which Side is Best?

I’ll freely admit it. I opened this program to type a blog post and have no idea what to write! It’s a blank canvas that I can’t paint on. I have the paint, but nothing creative in my head. Weird. And I always thought I was so prolific. Tsk tsk.

I do think that maybe I’m just a little too tired. Maybe inspiration will strike as I type.

Little Long is kicking me at the moment, which is great as I worried about his safety during the night. I woke up a few times and noticed that I’m on my right hand side.
I’ve read somewhere on the internet that you shouldn’t lie on your right hand side while sleeping as it can obstruct the flow in the umbilical cord! I’m sure I must have read it wrong, or not read what else you should do to have that happen. Actually, I should look that up today and see if I can get closure on this whole thing. I like being on my right side, I fall asleep a lot easier that way. Maybe I just worry too much over nothing, right?
There, I did have something to write about. Something pathetic on my part, but nevermind. And I do feel a little more awake now. I looked outside a minute ago, and it looks like it will be another glorious day in sunny South Africa.

Well, as said, it’s going to be sunny and warm in Pretoria today, which I’m thankful about. I used to not care much for sunlight, instead preferring cloudy weather. Until I got it all the time in England. Now I know that you really need a balance. So be happy when the sun shines and when the rain pours. One without the other gets awfully boring.

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