Monday 12 March 2012

Unborn Musical Genius?

I learned something new about blogging yesterday. I looked at my stats and saw an unknown site that seemed to have brought me traffic. My paranoid self freaked right out and did some digging. It’s actually something called Referrer Spam. In some complicated way, it looks like you got pageviews but instead it’s a way of getting unsuspecting website owners to click on the website of the spammer! Clever, sneaky spammers. 

First rule of Referrer Spam. Do not talk about... No, wait, that’s not it.
First rule of Referrer Spam. Don’t click on it. It encourages them.

Now that my public service announcement is done, it's time for the actual blog post!

I love to wake Steven up in the morning. But it feels like a full-time job, it takes him quite a long time to respond. Last week, I managed to get him slightly awake and I decided to lie down next to him as I was still a little tired. A few seconds afterwards, I felt the baby move. But it was strange as it felt like he was kicking every three seconds. “Here, feel this musical genius!” I told Steven as I put his hand on my abdomen. We both smiled happily as the baby kept doing his impressive drum solo for about half a minute. A few weeks back a similar thing happened. I was quite sure little Long was kicking on three drumbeats of a song we were listening to. But it could just have been my imagination, right?

I wondered what it all could mean. Did I really have a little drummer boy growing inside me? I felt like I should investigate and see if there could be a different explanation.

And investigate I did. I opened Google and typed in “baby kicking rhythmically”. No-one seemed to have asked that specifically, but I did manage to spot something while looking at the search results. I said “No way!” and clicked on a site that seemed to have an answer.

What I found was something I never would have expected. My little one is not some undiscovered, unborn musical genius. He was just experiencing something all other humans experience from time to time. Hiccupping! After I got over the surprise, I told Steven and we both agreed that it was too cute for words. Not even born or breathing and already his tiny diaphragm was throwing little tantrums. Welcome to life, little Long. It’s a mixture of good and bad, pleasant and annoying, joy and sadness. Hiccups are just the beginning.

I can’t remember all the details, but I do remember hearing of a person who can’t stop hiccupping. For years this person lives with his/her diaphragm going mad and nothing can stop it. So I am thankful that whenever I do hiccup, I know it will stop after a little while.

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